Vasaka/Burg-e-Aroosa (برگ اڑوسہ, برگ بانسہ) also known as Adhtoda Vasica Nees, is amazing for its natural health benefits. It is found in India and it is broadly utilized as a part of ayurvedic arrangements. It is utilized as a part of treating asthma, bronchitis and overabundance mucous condition.
Ingredient Name :
Adhatoda vasica Nees.
Arabic Name : Adaatoodaa, Jauz al-maalaabaar
Bengali Name : Vasaka, Bakash, Adulsa
Chinese Name : Ya zui hua
English Name : Malabar Nut Tree
French Name : Carmantine, Noix de Malabar
German Name : Malabarnu, Baum, Indisches Lungenkraut
Gujarati Name : Adulso, Ardusi, Aduraspee
Hindi Name : Arusa, Adusa, Arusha, Rusa, Bansa, Basonta
Kannada Name : Adsele, Adusoge
Latin name : Adhatoda vasica Nees.
Marathi Name : Vasa, Adulsa, Adusa
Persian Name : Bans, Khwaja
Punjabi Name : Bhekar, Vansa, Arusa, Vasaka
Sanskrit Name : Vasaka, Adulsa, Arusak, Sinhaparni, Vansa, Adarushah
Urdu Name : Berge Arusa, Berge Adusa, Berge Bansa
Recommended Dosage:
3 to 6 g powder of leaves.
This herb is contraindicated during pregnancy (as it except during labour. Many times the recommended dose can cause severe vomiting.
Its advantages incorporates:
Vasaka is very effective for treating all cold related problems, especially cough.
- It is exceptionally powerful in treating bleeding gums.
- Vasaka is cooling in nature and its juice can be utilized as a poultice for treating a wide range of skin illnesses as it is exceptionally mitigating.
- It is exceptionally powerful to treat bleeding piles as well.
Safety measures:
- Individuals with diabetes ought to utilize this pharmaceutical with care, since it diminishes glucose levels. Thus, the measurement should be adjusted determinedly.
- It is protected to use in kids above 1 year of age.
- It should be avoided in pregnancy. Can be used in lactation, under medical supervision.
Useful in Following diseases:
- Amnesia (Impairment of Memory)
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Common Cold
- Cough
- Diarrhoea
- Dysentery
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Fevers
- Haemoptysis
- Haemorrhage
- Piles
- Tuberculosis
- Ulcers
- Whooping Cough